Universal Century Timeline
Attention all Gundam enthusiasts! The Universal Century (UC) timeline is a continually unfolding celebration of Gundam excellence. Born with the first anime series, UC introduces the legendary RX-78-2 Gundam. Famously referred to as the "Grandad," this model has remained iconic since its inception and represents the quintessence of Gundam. In the realm of Gunpla, High Grade (HG) Gundam holds the highest rank with the broadest range, closely followed by Master Grade (MG), Super Deformed (SD), Real Grade (RG), Perfect Grade (PG), and the towering Mega Size Model. The UC universe is further enriched by the stylish MSN-04 Sazabi, the impressive...
Attention all Gundam enthusiasts! The Universal Century (UC) timeline is a continually unfolding celebration of Gundam excellence. Born with the first anime series, UC introduces the legendary RX-78-2 Gundam. Famously referred to as the "Grandad," this model has remained iconic since its inception and represents the quintessence of Gundam.
In the realm of Gunpla, High Grade (HG) Gundam holds the highest rank with the broadest range, closely followed by Master Grade (MG), Super Deformed (SD), Real Grade (RG), Perfect Grade (PG), and the towering Mega Size Model.
The UC universe is further enriched by the stylish MSN-04 Sazabi, the impressive Char's Zaku II, the sleek MSN-06S Sinanju, the timeless Zeta, and the captivating Unicorn Gundam.
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