After Colony Timeline
Gundam After Colony Timeline Overview Timeline Essence. The After Colony timeline is characterized by the tension between Earth and its off-world colonies. The story revolves around secret organisations and rebellions, using specialized mobile suits known as Gundams to execute covert operations and uprisings against oppressive Earth-based governments. Main Series from this Timeline: "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing." The standout series from the After Colony timeline. It introduced a quintet of young Gundam pilots sent from the space colonies to Earth on covert missions, aimed at retaliating against oppressive Earth-based organizations. "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz." A sequel to Gundam Wing, taking form...
Gundam After Colony Timeline Overview
Timeline Essence. The After Colony timeline is characterized by the tension between Earth and its off-world colonies. The story revolves around secret organisations and rebellions, using specialized mobile suits known as Gundams to execute covert operations and uprisings against oppressive Earth-based governments.
Main Series from this Timeline:
- "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing." The standout series from the After Colony timeline. It introduced a quintet of young Gundam pilots sent from the space colonies to Earth on covert missions, aimed at retaliating against oppressive Earth-based organizations.
- "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz." A sequel to Gundam Wing, taking form both as a 3-episode OVA and a theatrical movie. It delves deeper into the backstories of the pilots and culminates in one final mission.
Key Gunpla from "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing":-
- Wing Gundam: Piloted by Heero Yuy, known for its iconic Bird Mode transformation.
- Deathscythe Gundam: Piloted by Duo Maxwell, this Gundam stands out with its grim reaper motif and scythe weapon.
- Heavyarms Gundam: Trowa Barton's Gundam, recognized for its heavy artillery and firepower.
- Sandrock Gundam: Quatre Raberba Winner's machine, emphasizing melee combat with its heat shotels.
- Shenlong Gundam: Piloted by Chang Wufei, this Gundam is distinguished by its dragon arm, capable of emitting flames.
Key Gunpla from "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz":-
- Wing Gundam Zero Custom: An upgraded version of Heero's Gundam, renowned for its angelic wing design.
- Deathscythe Hell Custom: An enhanced version of Duo's Gundam, even more sinister with larger wings and a more formidable scythe.
- Upgrades all round for other main Gundams. Each pilot's Gundam gets an upgrade in "Endless Waltz," each with more ornate and intricate designs than their originals.
Each of these designs reflects the personality and combat style of their respective pilots and encapsulates the aesthetic and thematic essence of the "After Colony" timeline.
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